Winners of the Best Script Award - London
Grand Prix Feature Script
Betrothed, a Crusades Romance (Ruth Finnegan, UK)
Honorable Mention: Feature Script 
CUPIDO (Matthew James Eadon, USA)

Best Super Short Script
The Voice (Susannah Ward, UK)
Honorable mention
A Chat Over Death (Mike Felix, Kirsty Masefield, New Zeland)
Stuck (Adam Swimmer, Canada)

Best Short Script
Headache (Asia Yen, USA)
Honorable Mention
The Rain Queen's Wife (Lebogang Matseke, South Africa)
A Heist Film (Miroslav Stefanov, Emils Lisovskis, Ben-Shahan Marshall, UK)

Best Medium-Lenghth Script
LEGENDS (Danny Alex, USA)

Best Feature Script
Centurions (Sally Claire Stubbs, Canada)
Honorable Mention
Unbrotherly Love (Nick Abdo, USA)
Only Sunshine (Jordan Elizabeth Oakley, USA)

Television Script - Pilot
The Ballet Murders (Victoria Augustine, USA)
Honorable Mention
Kokopelli (Dr. Norman P. Johnson, USA)
Four States (Charlotte Newman, USA)

First-Time Screenwriter
Dandelions and The Sun (Riane Yost, USA
Honorable Mention
The Chronic Adventure Story (Eric Bergquist, USA)

Best Male Screenwriter
The Diary Of Kate The Ripper (Eddy Sanchez, USA)
Honorable Mention
Sonoran Saints (John Joseph Sollecito, Jeffrey I Hoppenstand, USA)

Best Female Screenwriter

Listen Carefully (Shira Zimbeck, USA)
Honorable Mention
Dr. Portia (Millie West-pen name-Alexia Lucas, USA)

Best Drama Screenplay

SOUL'S ON FIRE (Joseph Lincoln Harrison, USA)
Honorable mention
PLATYPUS (Peter Noel, USA)

Best Comedy Screenplay

Love, Cupid (Spencer Stephens)

Thriller Screenplay
Duty (Anthony Ford, UK)

Horror Screenplay
Possum Man (Eddie Yaroch, USA)
Honorable Mention
THE SICKEN (Danny Alex, USA)

LGBT Screenplay
Honorable Mention
Questioning (Joshua Allen, USA)

Best Fantasy Screenplay
Myth (Ricky Hawthorne, UK)

Historical Screenplay
The Boy Scout Man (2021) (Bruce Clark, Australia)
Honorable Mention
FREEDOM (Elizabeth Stevens, James Bruner, USA)

Best War Screenplay
Bloodlines: The Mogadishu Diaries 1992-1993 (Eddie Clay Thompkins, USA)
Honorable Mention
Family Embers (Carlo Colecchia, USA)

Best Young Screenwriter
The Eve of Parting (Isabella Bazoni, UK)
Honorable Mention
Flutterby (Oliver David Peter Gordon)

European Screenplay
Betrothed, a Crusades Romance (Ruth Finnegan, UK)

American Screenplay
Flower Child (Hal Straus, Matt Straus, USA)
Honorable Mention
Gus (Todd Bird, USA)

Australian Screenplay
DAYS LIKE THESE (Megan Young Rigoni, Australia)

Best Asian Screenplay
A Summer's wave goodbye (Jing Xie, China)


The Magpie Drop (Miles Anthony, United Kingdom)
 Secret Library (Laurel King, USA)

Best Super Short Script

Moments (Robert Bowers, USA)

Best Short Script
The Magpie Drop (Miles Anthony, United Kingdom)

Best Medium-Length Script
Ben Johnson Day (Kerena Marchant, United Kingdom)

Best Feature Script
Secret Library (Laurel King, USA)

Best Television Script - Pilot
Splendid (Louise Birgan, Australia)

Best First-Time Screenwriter
MAN UP (Josh Alexander, United Kingdom)

Best Male Screenwriter

Assimilation (Gang Chen, China)

Best Female Screenwriter

Aqua Tofana (Sara Yaseen South, USA)

Best Drama Screenplay
The Space Between Men (Valerie McCaffrey, USA)

Best Comedy Screenplay
Dick 2.0 (Henry Sarwer-Foner, Noel Baker, Canada)

Best Thriller Screenplay
Where the Leopards Dream (Fernando Paez, USA)

Best Horror Screenplay
Guerrila Nightmare (Joe Beckett, United Kingdom)

Best Action Screenplay
TALIO – EYE FOR AN EYE (Peter Noel, United Kingdom)

Best LGBT Screenplay
Out Of My Comfort Zone (Ivy Vale, Rick Reil, USA)

Best Psychological Screenplay
HERE I AM (Asim Altokhais, Saudi Arabia)

Best Fantasy Screenplay
THE BLACK DRAGON (Peter Noel, United Kingdom)

Best Historical Screenplay
RED STORM (Peter Noel, United Kingdom)

Best War Screenplay
The Greek Passage (Lorenzo Guarnieri, Italy)

Best Crime Screenplay
DEA (Peter Noel, USA)

Best Young Screenwriter
STRANGE FEELING (Kieren Gaertner, USA)

Best European Screenplay
Struggling up the slope (Peter Noel, United Kingdom)

Best American Screenplay
Here To Say (Joseph L Harrison, USA)

Best Australian Screenplay
Splendid (Louise Birgan, Australia)

Best African Screenplay
Deep Hope (Amr Barakat, Egypt)

Best Asian Screenplay
The Family Dialect (Maxud Sarsembayev, Mansur Sarsembayev, Kazakhstan)